Caribbean, Hawaii and other stories


Some of AB Italia’s projects reflect what is considered Water Architecture by definition, namely “the art and technique of imagining, designing and building products that interact in a continuous and interactive relationship with the element of water”. However, AB often intervenes where water takes the natural form of the sea or lake, a necessary and unavoidable condition for a respectful and authentic dialogue with the element. The term “water landscaping” is thus used. AB Italia has often found itself working in natural contexts with water as a geographical and therefore environmental aspect: islands, beaches, lakes, bodies of water that do not merely act as frames for exclusive residential projects, but become an integral part of these projects, completing them aesthetically

Moreover, some designers have been able to introduce water into their work and even consider it as a construction element in its own right, an integral part of the final product. It is well known that water is an element capable of “bringing to life” the immovable material of architectural structures, giving life to vertical or horizontal surfaces, reflecting light and colours, reflecting the passing of the hours of the day and the inescapable changes in climate. Besides, water is a malleable and mouldable element because it receives its shape from its container, and is therefore considered a multifaceted and versatile architectural solution.

Through the architect’s eyes, relationships are established between architecture and water which have a dual aesthetic and functional value: as well as being a strongly evocative and suggestive figurative element, in AB Italia’s work, water often becomes an integral part of the architectural composition, emphasizing its style and aspirations.
This is how the company thinks, sees and designs it: whether it is “water around” or functional water inside for those who experience it.
